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Moving with cats.

Moving with cats.

Moving is already stressful enough without adding a freak-out from a confused cat. So to make the move go smoother, here are some simple tips to keep in mind before, during and after:


  • Your cat will probably be curious about all the boxes. Leading up to the move, try to keep your cat’s routine as normal as possible, feeding and playing with it as usual.
  • Keep your cat in a secure, out-of-the-way place to prevent any mad dashes through an open front door.
  • Pack up your cat’s belongings last, ideally just before the move.


  • To make the move easier for you (and your cat), consider boarding your cat on moving day to keep it away from all the noise and activity.
  • If you don’t board your cat, keep it sheltered with all of its belongings in one familiar room.
  • Put a note on the door to make sure the movers don’t accidentally open it.


  • Try to keep your cat’s routine as normal as possible. For example, use the same food and water dishes, diet, bedding, cat scratcher and toys that it’s used to.
  • At first, your cat may feel more secure in the cat carrier than in a strange, new room, so just open the carrier door and let it come out on its own.
  • Even if you normally let your cat outdoors, keep it indoors until it becomes comfortable in the new home.
  • Give your cat extra affection to calm and reassure it.

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